Mission Statement

Mandeville Bible Church’s prayer ministry exists to encourage and guide each church member in living a life of prayer, both individually and corporately, and to make prayer a central part of every ministry and activity of the church.

Core Values

Relationship with God
We believe that prayer is the heart of the Christian life, being the primary means by which we communicate with God and learn to abide in Him.

We believe that obedience to God’s Word requires our complete devotion to prayer, so that as a church we must become a “house of prayer,” and as individuals we must pursue a life of prayer and ever-growing intimacy with our Lord.

We believe that loving one another as Christ commanded includes praying for one another. We believe that, through our intercessory prayers for one another, we can show ourselves to be Christ’s disciples by demonstrating His love to a watching world.

We believe that prayer is vital to the Church’s accomplishment of Christ’s Great Commission.  As part of the work of evangelism, we believe God has commanded His Church to pray for the sending of workers into the harvest fields, to pray for those engaged in proclaiming the gospel, and to pray for the salvation of every lost person.

Unity and Fellowship
We believe that, as the Body of Christ, we should pray together just like we worship together, and that unity and fellowship within the Body are built through times of corporate prayer as well as through praying individually for one another.

Vision Statement

We envision our church being a “house of prayer” where people are always praying, where prayer is a central focus of every activity and ministry, where prayer meetings are well-attended and Spirit-led, and where God’s answers to our prayers are both expected and experienced.

We envision being a church made up of individuals characterized by devotion to prayer, dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and growth in our relationship with God.

We envision being a congregation that prays for one another, seeking God’s blessings for each other and bearing one another’s burdens as we live together in the Body of Christ.

We envision being a church that ministers and witnesses to our community through intercessory prayer, becoming known as a praying church in our community so that people will seek our prayers for themselves and for their loved ones in times of trouble and need.  

We envision being a church that is burdened for lost people and constantly engaged in the work of evangelism through prayer, asking God to send workers from our own congregation into the harvest fields, praying for all those who are engaged in proclaiming the gospel, and praying for salvation for all those who do not yet know Christ.

We envision being a church that builds fellowship and unity by praying together, so that we are united with one heart in our mission to glorify God and to build His kingdom.

Prayer Meetings

Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m., we meet in the Fellowship Hall to pray for our church and to ask God’s blessing upon all the events taking place that day. Everyone is invited to attend.

Monthly Prayer Service
We hold a monthly prayer service on the first Sunday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Each month, we have a different prayer emphasis, and we also pray for any prayer requests submitted by church members.  

National Day of Prayer
We hold a prayer meeting every year on the National Day of Prayer, which is always the first Thursday in May.